Files / Classes

Header Files

EtherCAT Communicator header file

Header file for the EthercatCommunicator class.

class EthercatCommunicator
#include <ethercat_communicator.h>

The Ethercat Communicator class.

Basic class for implementing realtime pure communication purposes, from our application to the Ethercat slaves, via IgH Master module. The class uses the POSIX API for gaining realtime attributes.

Public Functions

void init(ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initializes the main thread.

Mostly makes ready the attributes of the realtime thread, before running.

  • n: The ROS Node Handle

void start()

Starts the main thread.

The function that actually starts the realtime thread. The realtime attributes have been set from init. Implements the basic realtime communication (Tx/Rx) with the EtherCAT slaves. Doesn’t change the output PDOs. Basic state machine:

  • Receive the new PDOs in domain1_pd from the IgH Master Module (and therefore from the EtherCAT slaves)
  • Move to the domain_pd the output data of process_data_buf, safely
  • Publish the “raw” data (not linked to EtherCAT variables) in PDOs received from the domain1_pd, to the /ethercat_data_raw topic
  • Synchronize the DC of every slave (every count’nth cycle)
  • Send the new PDOs from domain1_pd to the IgH Master Module (and then to EtherCAT slaves)
    void init(ros::NodeHandle &n)

void stop()

Stops the main thread.

This function stops the execution of the realtime thread. The mechanism for stopping it, is provided by the POSIX API. Search for pthread_testcancel() and other related functions.

Public Static Functions

static bool has_running_thread()

A getter for knowing if there is a running thread.

It’s used from the EthercatCommd service, to know if a user stops/starts an already stopped/started EthercatCommunicator.

Private Members

pthread_attr_t current_thattr_
struct sched_param sched_param_

Private Static Functions

void *run(void *arg)
void cleanup_handler(void *arg)
void copy_data_to_domain_buf()
void publish_raw_data()

Private Static Attributes

int cleanup_pop_arg_ = 0
pthread_t communicator_thread_ = {}
ros::Publisher data_raw_pub_
bool running_thread_ = false

EtherCAT Input Data Handler header file

Header file for the EthercatInputDataHandler class.

class EthercatInputDataHandler
#include <ethercat_input_data_handler.h>

The Ethercat Input Data Handler class.

Used for trasforming the “raw” indexed data from the /ethercat_data_raw topic, sent by the Ethercat Communicator, to values of variables, and stream them to the /ethercat_data_slave_{slave_id} topic.

Public Functions

void init(ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initialization Method.

Used for initializing the EthercatInputDataHandler object. It’s basically the main method in the class, which initializes the listener to the afore mentioned topic.

  • n: The ROS Node Handle

void raw_data_callback(const ighm_ros::EthercatRawData::ConstPtr &ethercat_data_raw)

Raw Data Callback.

This method, is called when there are data in the /ethercat_data_raw topic. Should the EtherCAT application change, this callback must change also. Implements the basic functionality of the class, to transform the “raw” data into variable values and pipe them into another topic.

  • ethercat_data_raw: A copy of the actual data sent to the topic /ethercat_data_raw.

Private Members

ros::Subscriber data_raw_sub_
ros::Publisher *data_pub_

EtherCAT Output Data Handler header file

Header file for the EthercatOutputDataHandler class.

class EthercatOutputDataHandler
#include <ethercat_output_data_handler.h>

The Ethercat Output Data Handler class.

Used for trasforming the “raw” indexed data from the /ethercat_data_raw topic, sent by the Ethercat Communicator, to values of variables, and stream them to the /ethercat_data_out topic.

Public Functions

void init(ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initialization Method.

Used for initializing the EthercatInputDataHandler object. It’s basically the main method in the class, which initializes the listener to the afore mentioned topic.

  • n: The ROS Node Handle

void raw_data_callback(const ighm_ros::EthercatRawData::ConstPtr &ethercat_data_raw)

Raw Data Callback.

This method, is called when there are data in the /ethercat_data_raw topic. Should the EtherCAT application change, this callback must change also. Implements the basic functionality of the class, to transform the “raw” data into variable values and pipe them into another topic.

  • ethercat_data_raw: A copy of the actual data sent to the topic /ethercat_data_raw.

Private Members

ros::Subscriber data_raw_sub_
ros::Publisher output_data_pub_

EtherCAT Slave header file

Header file for the EthercatSlave class.

class EthercatSlave
#include <ethercat_slave.h>

The Ethercat Slave class.

Used for having all the ethercat slave related variables, fetched from the correspondent yaml file, in a single entity.

Public Functions

void init(std::string slave, ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initialization Method.

Used for initializing the EthercatSlave entity. It’s basically the main method in the class.

int get_pdo_out()

Getter Method.

Used for getting the number of bytes of the output PDO of the single slave.

int get_pdo_in()

Getter Method.

Used for getting the number of bytes of the input PDO of the single slave.

Private Members

int vendor_id_
std::string slave_id_
int product_code_
int assign_activate_
int position_
int alias_
int input_port_
int output_port_
ec_slave_config_t *ighm_slave_
int pdo_in_
int pdo_out_

Main header file

Main header file.


typedef struct slave_struct slave_struct

A shorthand definition of slave_struct.


slave_struct *ethercat_slaves

The main slave struct.

Used by our program to contain all the useful info of every slave.

uint8_t *domain1_pd

Global buffer for the actual communication with the IgH Master Module.

uint8_t *process_data_buf

Global buffer for safe concurrent accesses from the output PDOs services and the EtherCAT Communicator.


size_t total_process_data

Total number of process data (PD) (bytes).

size_t num_process_data_in

Number of input PD per slave (bytes).

Assumes that the EtherCAT application is the same for every slave.

size_t num_process_data_out

Number of output PD per slave (bytes).

Assumes that the EtherCAT application is the same for every slave.

int log_fd

File descriptor used for logging, provided that measure_timing is enabled.

Could be deprecated in a next version (see kernelshark).

ec_master_t *master

The main master struct.

Used for communication with the IgH Master Module.

ec_master_state_t master_state

The master state struct.

Used to examine the current state (Links Up/Down, AL states) of the Master.

ec_master_info_t master_info

The master info struct.

Used to know the slaves responding to the Master.

ec_domain_t *domain1

The main domain struct variable.

Used to send and receive the datagrams.

ec_domain_state_t domain1_state

The domain state struct.

Used to examine the current state (Working counter, DL states) of the domain.


pthread_spinlock_t lock

The shared spinlock.

Used by every thread whick modifies the process_data_buf.


EthercatCommunicator ethercat_comm

The barebone object of our application.

Used for realtime communication (Tx/Rx) with the EtherCAT slaves. Doesn’t change the output PDOs. Basic state machine:

  • Receive the new PDOs in domain1_pd from the IgH Master Module (and then to EtherCAT slaves)
  • Move to the domain_pd the output data of process_data_buf, safely
  • Publish the “raw” data (not linked to EtherCAT variables) in PDOs from the domain1_pd
  • Send the new PDOs from domain1_pd to the IgH Master Module (and then to EtherCAT slaves)

EthercatInputDataHandler ethercat_input_data_handler

Main object for publishing to the /ethercat_data_slave_x the values of the EtherCAT input variables.

Maps indeces to variables.

EthercatOutputDataHandler ethercat_output_data_handler

Main object for publishing to the /ethercat_data_out the values of the EtherCAT output variables.

Maps indeces to variables.


Handy variable induced from the Frequency variable.



Frequency of the realtime thread: EtherCAT Communicator.


Total run time of the realtime thread: EtherCAT Communicator.

struct slave_struct
#include <ighm_ros.h>

The basic slave struct.

Public Members


The slave’s name (for convienience, the names are the positions of the legs)


The slave’s id (in a four legged robot, that will be from 0 to 3)


The EthercatSlave object, used to store every other useful information.

Services header file

Services header file.


  • EtherCAT Communicator Daemon
  • Services for modifying output PDOs


bool modify_output_bit(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a bit in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sbyte(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed byte in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_uint16(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputUInt16::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputUInt16::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of an unsigned 16-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sint16(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt16::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt16::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed 16-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sint32(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt32::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt32::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed 32-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

bool ethercat_communicatord(ighm_ros::EthercatCommd::Request &req, ighm_ros::EthercatCommd::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Controls the Ethercat Communicator. The basic functionality is:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Restart (Remember that a Service Callback must always return a boolean.)

bool start_ethercat_communicator()

Helper function for the ethercat_communicatord callback.

Used from the callback in order to actualy send the start command to the Ethercat Communicator.

bool stop_ethercat_communicator()

Helper function for the ethercat_communicatord callback.

Used from the callback in order to actualy send the stop command to the Ethercat Communicator.

Utilities header file

Utilities header file.


  • Functions for processing EtherCAT PDOs
  • Function for insisting write to file
  • Function for safe ascii to integer conversion
  • Function for adding two timespec structs
  • Functions for checking domain and master states


bool process_input_bit(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index, uint8_t subindex)

Returns bit indexed with index,subindex of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The byte index in the buffer
  • subindex: The bit index inside the byte, indexed by index

uint8_t process_input_uint8(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns unsigned byte indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The unsigned byte index in the buffer

int8_t process_input_sint8(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed byte indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed byte index in the buffer

uint16_t process_input_uint16(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns unsigned 16-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The unsigned 16-bit integer index in the buffer

int16_t process_input_sint16(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed 16-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed 16-bit integer index in the buffer

int32_t process_input_sint32(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed 32-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed 32-bit integer index in the buffer

ssize_t insist_write(int fd, const char *buf, size_t count)

Writes to a file descriptor, persistently.

The main difference between insist_write() and write() from <unistd.h>, is that write() could write less than count bytes to the fd, for various reasons (see man 3 write). Therefore the need for a persistent write to the fd was apparent, hence the insist_write().

  • fd: The file descriptor to write to
  • buf: The buffer to read from
  • count: Number of bytes to write

int safe_atoi(const char *s, int *val)

Converts an ascii sequence (NULL terminated or “escaped”) to integer, safely.

  • s: The ascii sequence (string)
  • val: The value to return

struct timespec timespec_add(struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2)

Adds the timespec of the time2 to the time1 timespec struct.

The sum is returned in the time1 timespec struct.

  • time1: The first timespec struct.
  • time2: The second timespec struct, to be added to the first one.

void check_domain1_state(void)

Checks the domain1 state variable.

The checks are for the working counter states and values.

void check_master_state(void)

Checks the master state variable.

The checks are for AL states and slaves responding to the master.

Deadline Scheduler header file

Deadline scheduler header file.

Should be added to the project in order the SCHED_DEADLINE option could be used. I’m not the author of the header file, nor do I claim any copyrights for it. This file is distributed under the GPLv2 licence. See the licence above to get an idea.




int sched_setattr(pid_t pid, const struct sched_attr *attr, unsigned int flags)
int sched_getattr(pid_t pid, struct sched_attr *attr, unsigned int size, unsigned int flags)
struct sched_attr
#include <deadline_scheduler.h>

Public Members

__u32 size
__u32 sched_policy
__u64 sched_flags
__s32 sched_nice
__u32 sched_priority
__u64 sched_runtime
__u64 sched_deadline
__u64 sched_period

Source Files

EtherCAT Communicator source file

Implementation of EthercatCommunicator class.

Used for real-time communication with the EtherCAT slaves, via the IgH Master module. The new PD are sent to the /ethercat_data_raw topic.

EtherCAT Input Data Handler source file

Implementation of EthercatInputDataHandler class.

Used for handling the “raw” input data, received from EtherCAT Communicator and transforming them into useful, human-readable format, consisted of the EtherCAT variables used by our application. Transforms the indeces to variables.

EtherCAT Output Data Handler source file

Implementation of EthercatOutputDataHandler class.

Used for handling the “raw” output data, received from EtherCAT Communicator and transforming them into useful, human-readable format, consisted of the EtherCAT variables used by our application. Transforms the indeces to variables.

EtherCAT Slave source file

Implementation of EthercatSlave class.

Used for containing all the useful information of an EtherCAT slave, from the userspace program perspective. Receives all the useful information via the ROS Parameter Server (after they are loaded from ethercat_slaves.yaml).

Main source file

Main source file.

IgH Master EtherCAT module main for realtime communication with EtherCAT slaves. This interface is designed for realtime modules, running in the ROS environment and want to use EtherCAT. There are classes and functions to get the Input and Output PDOs in a realtime context. Before trying to understand the source code of the project, please consider to read and understand the IgH Master Documentation located at: Finally try to understand the API provided in the /opt/etherlab/include/ecrt.h file. The author admits that the C++ language, is not his strong suit. Therefore feel free to refactore the code given with use of the new C++ (11/14/17) helpful tools (unique/shared pointers and other cool stuff).

Changes in version 0.3:

  • Created a frontend UI client in Python, for interacting with the Services API. Features include: Start/Stop function of the EtherCAT Communicator Change the Output PDOs on the run Run script with the aproppriate Service API calls

Changes in version 0.2:

  • Added features and bug fixes including: First realtime characteristics added (debate: FIFO vs DEADLINE scheduling?) Handling of the EtherCAT communicator module: Start/Stop/Restart API
  • Added processing for the /ethercat_data_raw topic and created: Service API for Output PDO handling and topic streaming: /ethercat_output_data Service API for Input PDO handling and topic streaming: /ethercat_data_slave_{slave_id}
  • Added synchronization primitives (spinlocks) for the concurrent threads accessing the EtherCAT buffer.
  • Added more source files, ethercat communicator, ethercat_slave, ethercat_input_data_handler and ethercat_output_data_handler. Created external objects to use the appropriate classes and functions.

Version 0.1:

  • Created the first bare communication layer in the ROS environment. Many bugs and deficiencies including: Non realtime characteristics, no API for Output PDO handling and topic streaming, no handling of the EtherCAT communicator module, no Service API for Input PDO topic streaming.
  • One topic streaming: /ethercat_data_raw

Unnamed Group

uint8_t *domain1_pd

Global buffer for the actual communication with the IgH Master Module.

uint8_t *process_data_buf

Global buffer for safe concurrent accesses from the output PDOs services and the EtherCAT Communicator.


size_t total_process_data

Total number of process data (PD) (bytes).

size_t num_process_data_in

Number of input PD per slave (bytes).

Assumes that the EtherCAT application is the same for every slave.

size_t num_process_data_out

Number of output PD per slave (bytes).

Assumes that the EtherCAT application is the same for every slave.

int log_fd

File descriptor used for logging, provided that measure_timing is enabled.

Could be deprecated in a next version (see kernelshark).

ec_master_t *master

The main master struct.

Used for communication with the IgH Master Module.

ec_master_state_t master_state

The master state struct.

Used to examine the current state (Links Up/Down, AL states) of the Master.

ec_master_info_t master_info

The master info struct.

Used to know the slaves responding to the Master.

ec_domain_t *domain1

The main domain struct variable.

Used to send and receive the datagrams.

ec_domain_state_t domain1_state

The domain state struct.

Used to examine the current state (Working counter, DL states) of the domain.


slave_struct *ethercat_slaves

The main slave struct.

Used by our program to contain all the useful info of every slave.

pthread_spinlock_t lock

The shared spinlock.

Used by every thread whick modifies the process_data_buf.


EthercatCommunicator ethercat_comm

The barebone object of our application.

Used for realtime communication (Tx/Rx) with the EtherCAT slaves. Doesn’t change the output PDOs. Basic state machine:

  • Receive the new PDOs in domain1_pd from the IgH Master Module (and then to EtherCAT slaves)
  • Move to the domain_pd the output data of process_data_buf, safely
  • Publish the “raw” data (not linked to EtherCAT variables) in PDOs from the domain1_pd
  • Send the new PDOs from domain1_pd to the IgH Master Module (and then to EtherCAT slaves)

EthercatInputDataHandler ethercat_input_data_handler

Main object for publishing to the /ethercat_data_slave_x the values of the EtherCAT input variables.

Maps indeces to variables.

EthercatOutputDataHandler ethercat_output_data_handler

Main object for publishing to the /ethercat_data_out the values of the EtherCAT output variables.

Maps indeces to variables.


Frequency of the realtime thread: EtherCAT Communicator.


Total run time of the realtime thread: EtherCAT Communicator.


Handy variable induced from the Frequency variable.


int main(int argc, char **argv)

Services source file

Implements the services used.

Provides services for:

  • Interacting with the EtherCAT Communicator
  • Changing the EtherCAT output PDOs


std::string &ltrim(std::string &str)

Left trims a string.

This function trims any character specified in chars, which is left of the input str.

  • str: The input untrimmed string.
  • chars: The characters to trim.

std::string &rtrim(std::string &str)

Right trims a string.

This function trims any character specified in chars, which is right of the input str.

  • str: The input untrimmed string.
  • chars: The characters to trim.

std::string &trim(std::string &str)

Trims a string from the left and right.

This function trims any character specified in chars, which is right or left of the input str. Calls internally the ltrim and rtrim functions. See more at:


bool modify_output_bit(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a bit in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sbyte(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputBit::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed byte in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_uint16(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputUInt16::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputUInt16::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of an unsigned 16-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sint16(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt16::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt16::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed 16-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

bool modify_output_sint32(ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt32::Request &req, ighm_ros::ModifyOutputSInt32::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Sets the value of a signed 32-bit integer in an index of the process_data_buf

ethercat_communicatord(ighm_ros::EthercatCommd::Request &req, ighm_ros::EthercatCommd::Response &res)

ROS Service Callback.

Controls the Ethercat Communicator. The basic functionality is:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Restart (Remember that a Service Callback must always return a boolean.)


Helper function for the ethercat_communicatord callback.

Used from the callback in order to actualy send the start command to the Ethercat Communicator.


Helper function for the ethercat_communicatord callback.

Used from the callback in order to actualy send the stop command to the Ethercat Communicator.

Utilities source file

A library with useful functions for handling EtherCAT PDOs and other utilities.


int safe_atoi(const char *s, int *val)

Converts an ascii sequence (NULL terminated or “escaped”) to integer, safely.

  • s: The ascii sequence (string)
  • val: The value to return

bool process_input_bit(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index, uint8_t subindex)

Returns bit indexed with index,subindex of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The byte index in the buffer
  • subindex: The bit index inside the byte, indexed by index

int8_t process_input_sint8(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed byte indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed byte index in the buffer

uint8_t process_input_uint8(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns unsigned byte indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The unsigned byte index in the buffer

uint16_t process_input_uint16(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns unsigned 16-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The unsigned 16-bit integer index in the buffer

int16_t process_input_sint16(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed 16-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed 16-bit integer index in the buffer

int32_t process_input_sint32(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t index)

Returns signed 32-bit integer indexed with index of the data_ptr buffer.

  • data_ptr: The buffer to get the data
  • index: The signed 32-bit integer index in the buffer

struct timespec timespec_add(struct timespec time1, struct timespec time2)

Adds the timespec of the time2 to the time1 timespec struct.

The sum is returned in the time1 timespec struct.

  • time1: The first timespec struct.
  • time2: The second timespec struct, to be added to the first one.

void check_domain1_state(void)

Checks the domain1 state variable.

The checks are for the working counter states and values.


Checks the master state variable.

The checks are for AL states and slaves responding to the master.

ssize_t insist_write(int fd, const char *buf, size_t count)

Writes to a file descriptor, persistently.

The main difference between insist_write() and write() from <unistd.h>, is that write() could write less than count bytes to the fd, for various reasons (see man 3 write). Therefore the need for a persistent write to the fd was apparent, hence the insist_write().

  • fd: The file descriptor to write to
  • buf: The buffer to read from
  • count: Number of bytes to write

EtherCAT Keyboard Controller python file

namespace ethercat_keyboard_controller


string ethercat_keyboard_controller.help_message

= “”“


## Ethercat Keyboard controller ##


Changes elliptic trajectory parameters

and controlls the ethercat communicator.

All the terminal commands must beggin with

an exclamation mark “!”.

If you want to find the current application variables,

see the EthercatOutputData.msg.

The current supported commands are:

!start : starts the ethercat communicator

!stop : stops the ethercat communicator

!restart : restarts the ethercat communicator

!variable [slave_id | ‘all’] [variable_name] [value] :

change the value of a variable in the ethercat output data

!run [script_to_run] : run the script specified,

inside the ighm_ros/scripts directory

!help : shows this help message

!q : exit the terminal

Type !q to quit


string ethercat_keyboard_controller.intro_message

= “”“

Welcome to the Ethercat Keyboard Controller!

By Mike Karamousadakis



prompt = ethercat_controller()
class ethercat_controller

Base Ethercat Controller class.

Inherits from the base class Cmd. Serves as a frontend to the C++ code, and specifically to the services implemented.

Public Functions

call_modify_service(self self, slave_id slave_id, variable_name variable_name, value value)

modify_service wrapper.

Used for creating the arguments for calling the Modify Services.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • variable_name: The variable’s name to modify.
  • value: The value to set.

call_service_mux(self self, name name, data data)

call service mux.

Used for muxing the calls to the Modify Services.

  • self: The current object.
  • name: The function’s name
  • data: The arguments for the function

modify_output_bit_client(self self, slave_id slave_id, index index, subindex subindex, value value)

Frontend client for the modify_output_bit service.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • index: The index to change inside the buffer.
  • subindex: The subindex inside the index.
  • value: The value to set.

modify_output_sbyte_client(self self, slave_id slave_id, index index, value value)

Frontend client for the modify_output_sbyte service.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • index: The index to change inside the buffer.
  • value: The value to set.

modify_output_sint16_client(self self, slave_id slave_id, index index, value value)

Frontend client for the modify_output_sint16 service.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • index: The index to change inside the buffer.
  • value: The value to set.

modify_output_uint16_client(self self, slave_id slave_id, index index, value value)

Frontend client for the modify_output_uint16 service.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • index: The index to change inside the buffer.
  • value: The value to set.

modify_output_sint32_client(self self, slave_id slave_id, index index, value value)

Frontend client for the modify_output_sint32 service.

  • self: The current object.
  • slave_id: The slave’s index.
  • index: The index to change inside the buffer.
  • value: The value to set.

ethercat_communicator_client(self self, mode mode)

Frontend client for the ethercat_communicatord service.

  • self: The current object.
  • mode: The mode to change to (start/stop/restart).

do_shell(self self, args args)

Main method of ethercat_controller class.

Accepts commnads, decomposes them and acts.

  • self: The current object.
  • args: The arguments given from the cmd line.

do_help(self self, line line)

Helper method.

  • self: The current object.
  • line: Unrelated argument.Just follow the API

default(self self, line line)

Unrecognized command method.

  • self: The current object.
  • line: Unrelated argument.Just follow the API

Public Static Attributes


= {

“state_machine” : [[0, 0], “bit”],

“initialize_clock”: [[0, 1], “bit”],

“initialize_angles”: [[0, 2], “bit”],

“inverse_kinematics”: [[0, 3], “bit”],

“blue_led”: [[0, 4], “bit”],

“red_led”: [[0, 5], “bit”],

“button_1”: [[0, 6], “bit”],

“button_2”: [[0, 7], “bit”],

“sync”: [[1], “sbyte”],

“desired_x_value”: [[2], “sint32”],

“filter_bandwidth”: [[6], “uint16”],

“desired_y_value”: [[8], “sint32”],

“kp_100_knee”: [[12], “sint16”],

“kd_1000_knee”: [[14], “sint16”],

“ki_100_knee”: [[16], “sint16”],

“kp_100_hip”: [[18], “sint16”],

“kd_1000_hip”: [[20], “sint16”],

“ki_100_hip”: [[22], “sint16”],

“x_cntr_traj1000”: [[24], “sint16”],

“y_cntr_traj1000”: [[26], “sint16”],

“a_ellipse100”: [[28], “sint16”],

“b_ellipse100”: [[30], “sint16”],

“traj_freq100”: [[32], “sint16”],

“phase_deg”: [[34], “sint16”],

“flatness_param100”: [[36], “sint16”]


variables2indeces dictionary.

Used for transforming the [index,subindex] -> variable


= {“bit”: modify_output_bit_client,

“sint16”: modify_output_sint16_client,

“uint16”: modify_output_uint16_client,

“sint32”: modify_output_sint32_client,

“sbyte” : modify_output_sbyte_client,

“ethercat_communicator”: ethercat_communicator_client}

Function dictionary.

It’s keys are the names of the methods, and their values are the references to the actual methods.